Juan Luís Jardi

Juan Luis Jardi b. 1961 in Barcelona, is renowned for his unique blend of magical realism with certain influences of Pop Art and surrealism, Jardi's figures and themes illustrate the contrast in our lives and the doubts we are faced with as humans.

Graduating in Mural Painting from the prestigious School of Applied Arts and Artistic Crafts of La Llotja, Jardi honed his skills and mastered the craft of oil painting. His artistic vision focuses on evoking emotions and sentiments such as nostalgia, melancholy, loneliness, and a lingering sense of unease. At the same time, his work has the power to transport viewers to a place of euphoria and inner serenity.

Jardi's paintings possess a timeless quality, offering a vintage perspective that draws the viewer into a captivating journey through the past.

Since 1983, Jardi has exhibited his imaginative creations worldwide, captivating audiences across the globe. He has received three Medals of Honor in the prestigious annual BMW Painting Prize, solidifying his reputation as a distinguished artist.

His artwork is featured in the private collections of notable figures, including former Spanish monarchs King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Fidel Castro, and Juan Antonio Samaranch, the former President of the International Olympic Committee. Jardí lives and works in Barcelona, Spain.